56 year old male with fever and loss of consciousness

 This is online E-blog, to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking her guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from  available global online community of experts with an aim to solve the patients clinical problem with current best evidence based input.

This E-blog also reflects my patient's centred online learning portfolio.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient Clinical Data Analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Following is the view of 


 56 year old male patient came to opd on 28/08/2021 with chief complaints of
 Fever since 3 days
 loss of consciousness for 5 mins on 28th morning


 • Patient developed fever which was insidious in onset and continuous type no diurnal variations seen, low grade fever,he had cold and dry cough,associated with chills and rigors not associated with body aches, vomitings, abdomen pain, loose motions
On 28th of august when patient woke up for urination at 5 am he had giddiness, shivering and  up rolling of eyes , no involuntary movements , no tonic movements then they went to rmp and referred here
• Pt on presentation - had SBP - 70 mm hg ( Hypotension)
• He experiencing incresed frequency on urination about 20 times per day , there is no urgency , difficulty in passing urine, no pain while passing urine , no hematuria
• Trombhophlebitis on 30thof august

• 2 / 09/2021- there is decreased in the frequency of urination  than before

10 years back pt had developed sudden weakness ( unable to hold any thing)of  left upper limb and lower limb which was sudden in onset for which he was hospitalized for 1 week following which there was slight improvement
•4 years back he developed weakness in right upper limb and lower limb and for which hospitalized and slight improvement is seen but not as much as left limbs
•10 days back at field while passing urine he had giddiness  and fell down and had injury over right knee and face and then had taken injection from Rmp
•Not a known case of diabetes ,hypertension ,asthma, epilepsy, 
• CVA - 10 years ago

Diet:- mixed 
•Appetite:- normal 
• Bowel and bladder movements :- increased frequency of urination since 29th and , not passed stool since 2 days  •Habits:- chronic alocholic 10 yrs back then stopped consuming then resumed 4 years ago and then stopped consumed then after


 not significant


 Patient was conscious  cohorent cooperative well oriented to time , place , person, moderately built and moderately nourished
 Pallor - absent
 Icterus- absent
 Cyanosis- absent
 Clubbing- absent
  Lymphadenopathy- absent
  Edema- absent


 PR- 67 bpm
 RR- 25cpm
 BP-90/60mm hg
 Spo2- 98%
 GRBS-151 mg%



 •CVS- s1 ,s2 heard no murmurs
 • Respiratory system- normal vesicular breath sounds heard
 • Abdomen- no tenderness seen, no palpable mass seen, not distended
 • CNS- 
    ▪ sensory examination,- touch, pain , vibration present
    ▪ No muscle wasting seen
    ▪ Hypertonia of lower limbs and clasp knife spasticity in left upper limb
 ▪ Power of muscle
  • upper limb
                          rt.                      lt
 Biceps.            5/5.                  5/5
 Triceps.          5/5.                  4/5
 Opponens pollices
                         5/5.                   4/5
 • lower limb
Extensors of knee
                       4-/5.                     4-/5    Flexors of knee
                     4-/5.                       4-/5
Exetnsors of hip
                      4-/5.                      4-/5
External hallucis longus 
                     4-/5.                        4-/5


 • Deep tendon reflexes
  Knee jerk.     +3.                           +3
  Ankle reflex  +3                           +3    
  Biceps.            +3.                          +3      
  Triceps.          +3                           +3
   Supinator.     +3.                         +3       
• Superficial reflexes
   Babinskis sign  - seen on both sides     
    Abdominal reflex - present    


 • Finger nose test- no incoordinatino is seen
• knee heel test- unable tooperform on rigth ides
• Romberg sign- negative

▪Antalgic gait

Cranial nerve examination
•CN -1- normal
•CN- 2 - patient cannot see clearly both near and far
•CN-3,4,6- movement of eye balls normal in all directions, in both the eyes , 
Light reflex and consensual light reflex absent ,
 Accommodative reflex - constriction of pupil is not seen, adduction. of eyes seen


, Dilated pupil- lt eye

• CN- 5- both sensory and motor components are normal
• CN-7 - normal
• CN-8- rinnes test  - positive on both sides
    webber - no latearlisation seen
• CN- 9 - normal
• CN-10- normal
• CN-11- normal
• CN-12- normal



31/ 08/2021












 29/ 08/2021

IVF - NS , RL@ 100ml/hr
INJ- pantop 40 mg IV/OD
INJ- noradrenaline@4ml/hr
BP, PR,RR monitoring
Temp 4th hourly
Sritct I/O charting


IVF - NS , RL@ 100ml/hr
INJ- pantop 40 mg IV/OD
BP, PR,RR monitoring
Temp 4th hourly
Sritct I/O charting
Tab- dolo650 mg
InJ - Neomol 100ml/ IV / stat


IVF - NS , RL@ 100ml/hr
INJ- pantop 40 mg IV/OD
Tab- dolo650 mg
InJ - Neomol 100ml/ IV / stat
BP, PR,RR monitoring


IVF - NS , RL@ 100ml/hr
INJ- pantop 40 mg IV/OD
Tab- dolo650 mg( check temp before giving dolo
BP, PR,RR monitoring
Syp- ascoril
InJ - Neomol 100ml/ IV / stat( if temp increases)
Thrombophube ontmient 





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