Internship assessment


Case -01

Case discussion 

▪This case is discussed in clinical lecture hall with live patient and attender and CNS examination was done by pgs to correlate with my findings and discussed why pt is having asymmetric reflexes with motor and sensory systems intact with cerebellar tests which he is not able to perform

▪Also tried to localise the lesion by reflex but it was no possible and tried to rule out Upper motor and lower motor involvement 

▪ As the patient is also having fever this might be due to encephalitis ?? to rule out and to know the final diagnosis- MRI scan was suggested 

▪ MRI has shown cerebellar atrophy ( which might be age related) 

▪ Some ugs have performed cns examination on this patient in lecture hall

Case 2

Case discussion 

This case is discussed in the group and questions that has been asked are 

what is the role of monocef in treating gastroenteritis ?

according to article we can treat acute GE with oral rehydration and with probiotics .Active treatment reduces the intensity of symptoms and their duration independently of etiology .Anti microbial are recommended for severe cases.But adding antibiotics will shorten the disease course , severity of symptoms, and transmission


Case discussion 

 Case has discussed in group and was asked how can it be MI it might be  pleuritic pain  because the chest pain is present with coughing and how commonly MI presents without chest pain and 2d echo was done bed side to rule out  

How commonly MI presents without chestpain



what might be the cause of thrombocytopenia without ns1 positive 



 Case Discussion 

 This case is discussed in the Pajr group that has created by pg 3rd year and discussed about the USG guided abscess aspiration. I have known about the advantages and disadvantages of the USG guided abscess aspiration


During my psychiatry posting which was for 15 days I have known the psychiatric Importance in medicine and other departments. I have seen different cases ( OCD, SCHIZOPHRENIA, DEPRESSION, ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE) I came to know about the importance of mental health with which so many people are suffering and which is hampering their PERSONAL life . I have visited DAC and seen pts how they are suffering to start their new lifes about their daily activities and their time table 


 ▪During ward duties I have acquired some leader ship qualities by making my co interns to update SOAP notes , blogs and conducted classes for the juniors and recording videos of the pg session .    And monitored patients in the ward during night time as guided by concerned unit pgs and helped them by updating the ward patients. And daily morning updating about the newly admitted cases.Taking blood samples for the routine investigations

▪ Helped our long distance patients by taking them to referrals 

▪ Helped our 1st year pg by doing thesis work by measuring FM ratio by me and my co intern . we measured FM ration for all the patient's  in AMC , ICU and WARD 


79 - visceral fat

26.5 -0.4 26.1- MAC- FAT

3.02-FM ratio

Liver abscess , No comorbidities

100.5-visceral fat

35- 0.8- MAC- FAT

2.93- FM ratio

Foot drop, 


 posted now from 2/10/2022 to 11/10/2022



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